Late one for May, and a few from last year

I should preface this by admitting I know nothing about haikus except the general 5-7-5 syllable structure, and the link to the seasons.  I've no idea if these would class as proper haikus in the traditional sense, but they are fun to write.

~For May~

I remembered you
quiet, grass-stained 'neath bloomed trees
smiling, sun-dappled

Sekou spat it hot
rhymes tripping from his tongue like
tap dancers on speed

Pure irridescence
light framed, sheer shimmering sphere
magic.  Then it bursts.

A nuisance really;
anguish, longing; must be borne;
and he, unaware.

~Haiku 3~
Tadpoles of rain swim
across the window; tattoo
light beat on tin roof.


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