
Showing posts from February, 2011

Egypt - such beautiful revolution

Over the past few weeks, I've followed the reovlution in Egypt.  Like no other news story of recent time, it has kept me hooked, fuelled by the hope that the people really could bring their unwavering principles to bear on the regime that kept so many in poverty and unbearble conditions.  I hoped like never before, and prayed for an outcome that would honour the deaths of those who remained staunch.  I watched as Tahrir Square was flooded with people full of faith, brimming with protest at the injustices they have been forced to live with and accept again and again and again.  And last night, I rejoiced at the outcome - ya Allah, these people are incredible, amazing, heroic in their insistence on justice.  In their pursuit of their rights.  In their refusal to be intimidated, cowed by the violence visited on them, appeased by the lies.  And they are victorious.  And they deserve now only peace and dignity and leaders who will respect t...

variations on a status - compulsion - sort of a pantoum

so, this was based on the facebook status of a friend that read: "i'm sick, my friend is making me jasmine tea, her apartment smells like fresh laundry, my face hurts, and life is beautiful." i kind of got this compulsion to mess with it, so i guess i created my first attempt at pantoums (i did a whole load).  i've posted a few of my favourites, and you can check out the whole set on flickr, here .

creative commons

Just trying something out.  Someone pointed out the other day that my stuff is available on-line for 'anyone to nick'.  He has a point.  I had an issue with a singer who, after I sent him a link to photos I took of him in concert, posted some on his MySpace, but resolutely did not credit me (I mailed him about it twice).  This was more a matter of pride than anything else, given that, as far as I know, he didn't use them for anything commercial. Anyways, just figured I'd try adding a creative commons code to my stuff.  I want people to share anything of mine they find interesting enough to show to others.  But I'd really rather people weren't passing it off as their own. So: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License . Hurah for the Creative Commons people !  Now the rest is down to common courtesy, I guess.